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Old 05-23-2006, 08:21 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by gdpmumin
No, they're two different things. You need to sign-up for a BlackBerry data plan (think of it as your BlackBerry's ISP; not exactly equivalent but close enough for explanation purposes) before you can have access to BIS. And with Nextel (and most other carriers) if you use a BB, you don't have a choice as to whether or not you pay for the BB data plan; you're going to be paying for it. But if you don't proactively sign up for it, they're likely to sign you up on a charge-per-kilobyte basis and you could end up taking out another mortgage on your house.
Ok. *That* seems to square with what their webpages (referenced above, and which finch doesn't seem to be reading . Nextel's pages, as I noted, say that the BBDP and BIS are *different things*, and that you need BBDP to get BIS.

But they quote BBDP at $50 a month, unlimited, and about BIS, they say "call us for a price". That usually means "or, don't bother, because you don't want to sell your car. But since the marketing for BBDP implies that it includes email service, and that's also about all the page for BIS says *it* provides, you can understand why I'm confused.

I'm going to call Nextel, now that it's not midnight , and I don't expect to get any less confused.

Oh, and the UPS truck left at 8:43am.