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Old 06-20-2006, 08:12 AM   #17
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Default Error in Accessing google web service

I just went through the thread for how to write a web service client for accessing the web services using KSOAP.
As u have indicated --
1. I downloaded the googleapi folder and opened the project in the JDE.
I have the required key from the google to access the service.
2. It is build properly with some warnings.
3. While I run it on the emulator it asks for entering a string for contacting service to find correct spelling.
After I enter it gives the following error--

error in webservice: unexpected: ParseEvent type=128 text='Unknown host' @-1:-1

When I tried to find the root cause of the error then I found out that the error is due to the following line in HTTPTransport

responseEnvelope.parse (xp);

Can you help me in debugging this.

Plz do it asap as I have a deadline to meet.

Thanks in advance

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