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Old 08-26-2006, 02:00 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by jpresto
Syncronizing contacts to a 7100g, I was having an issue with the java exception error when going into the address book on the BB. I updated the software on the phone to the latest version, and now have an issue where the sync fails about 80% through the contacts.

I get the error in the title, which led me to technote KB-00729 on BB site (can't post link).

Possibilities are:
Not enough storage space on the device.
Invalid characters in name or address fields.
No First Name, Last Name, or Company has been entered for the contact.
The device database is corrupt.

There appears to be free space on the unit, so I'm pretty certain it's some sort of invalid character. The question is, however, how do I find the record when there are close to 5000 contacts in 38 folders?

Is there some log entry somewhere that shows the offending record or event?

Thanks - Joe
Hey, I am not sure if you got my previous message. Did you resolve the problem. I have the same problem and don't know how to fix it.
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