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Old 11-15-2006, 01:03 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by GMK
Is a BB different than any other cell phone? I was, perhaps mistaken, that any cell phone capable, hardware wise, of sending or receiving a MMS could do so, whether or not they had anything more than a voice plan. My child bride and I both are with TMO, she has a Razr, I have a BB 8100. I have a data plan, she doesn't. I just MMS'd her a pic. She got it - no prob. So I must conclude that BB's are different in how they are handled by the carrier, if Nitty and mckinneycm are on target that a data plan is required.

I don't subscribe to txting so both the bride and I pay per message when we use it.

If the data plan requirement is true, BB users are getting shafted. There is no reason that they should have to pay $20.00 or more a month for a data plan to get MMS privileges that are available on any hardware capable phone.

I did notice that there is a "MMS Config (WAP)" service book in my phone. Does the WAP mean that MMS messages are sent via data line on BBs? I wonder if there is a service book for non data plan users without the "(WAP)"? Can you receive service books without a data plan? I dunno.

Have you confirmed this directly with your carrier, Nitty.

I have MMS so I guess I'm covered but I don't like the unique requirements that are coming up in this thread, on principle if nothing else.

This ain't right.
I agree with you in the fact that it should work. However, yes BB's are different when it comes to MMS. They use the EDGE/GPRS network to send MMS messages. So, the answer is yes, you must be provisioned for data on a BB in order to use MMS.
Corey McKinney
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