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Old 09-17-2004, 05:21 AM   #26
Knows Where the Search Button Is
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 21

The \"T\" version may have designed for you but the 7100 was not. The one I am typing this on does not have your T on it nor your IM. It will be available from others as your limit on exclusivity is 60 days. To the issue on Nokia, the 9300 will blow away the 7100 from RIM. But having used it for a week now I can say it is a better phone than previous models and that\'s what RIM wanted to do. But now that RIM compromised the keyboard it will be compared against other phones with Blackberry support. And having compared it to early specs of those offers the 7100 will not be the phone of choice. Had RIM desgned it with what they know best like keeping the keyboard, support for all Bluetooth devices, WI-FI, etc it might have been a winner.

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