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Old 04-04-2005, 04:10 PM   #35
Knows Where the Search Button Is
Join Date: Mar 2005
Model: 7100t
Posts: 35

Originally Posted by earpon
If you don't have a 7290. Forget about this app. I just bought IM+ by Shape Services 2.1 and a lot of the bugs has been taken out and some tweaks has been made. I am actually online for the rest of the day and it never froze on me. I guess it's worth paying $45 since you get lifetime updates. So much for this free IM from T-Mobile.
I'm much happier with the 2.1 version of IM+. The chat interface was awful in 2.0 and is much better with 2.1. I have seen the occasional error message pop up but at least with 2.1 it doesn't total hang the application forcing me to do a hard reboot. I also stay online all day long and even when I go into an area without coverage IM+ will automatically reconnect when coverage is restored, rather quickly too. Now if they can just make the status of AIM users show up instead of always being listed as online and get rid of the few remaining bugs it would be great. Oh and single key sending while in a chat window would be cool too.

Last edited by briandor; 04-04-2005 at 04:17 PM..