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Old 02-14-2007, 01:20 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by mlkimmey
The Blackberry-induced buzz on my speakers and headset phone (the amplifier cradle was between the two) was driving me crazy, so I started experimenting with ways to attenuate the RF interference. I found that a simple sheet of aluminum foil is a field expedient solution. I took a 24-inch length, folded six inches in from the long ends to provide stability, which then formed a U. When rested on its side, it's about 12 inches high. I placed this around my Blackberry with the open end to the front, and the buzz problem went away. There does not appear to be any interference with the operation of my Blackberry. It LOOKS funny sitting on my desk, but I can live with that. Next step is figure out how short I can cut it without the problem coming back, and then asking someone to bend a small piece of tin to the same dimensions.
If you find that a thin metal layer will block most of the RF interference, you could always coat the inside of the back cover of your BB with a thin layer of metal. You could remove the back cover(and battery cover, if applicable), and spray the insides with spray paint or laquer. While still wet, you could then sprinkle and shake metal filings onto the inside until fully coated, and after that dries, spray over the metal filings a few more times. This would put a solid metal barrier around the back of your BB, similar to the aluminum foil solution...
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