Thread: IR port on 7280
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Old 02-17-2007, 10:45 PM   #8
New Member
Join Date: Feb 2007
Model: 8703e
Posts: 2

I have a great deal of difficulty believing that a piece of kit with the sophisticationof a Blackberry (I have an 8703e that I just spent a fortune on) is unable to accomplish a simple task like beaming contact information from one bb to another. Incredible. Unbelievable.

This tops off my first couple of days using this new blackberry and I must say, for the record, that my Treo 600 and 650 were much more user friendly and intuitive than this Blackberry will ever be.... to the extent that I am seriously considering dumping it and going with the Treo 700 or another Palm based product.

C'mon RIM... get with the program!