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Old 09-03-2007, 08:33 PM   #23
Knows Where the Search Button Is
Join Date: Jul 2007
Model: 7100
Carrier: verizom
Posts: 16

Have treo 650p with verizon for 2.5 yrs. Am getting frustrated with palm 'incremental' releases, not fixing the issues that everyone on the palm forums complain about (real bluetooth, etc.). Am waiting for curve on vzw, not sure that it will happen. New BB on VZW doesn't have camera, and I need a camera.

On the other hand, my 650 has been rock solid and stable (knock wood). I find that most of the people complaining about crashes have loaded up tons of apps, or have applied certain 'hacks' talked about on forums.

Use sms lots, use calendar lots, use it as a phone lots, and get email when away from computer, works just fine.

If palm actually made something a bit more than just incremental, it would keep everyone. It doesn't seem like they are keeping up on the 'curve', if I want something better than a 755, it looks like either moto Q or maybe wait for curve. If only the pearl had a real keyboard.
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