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Old 10-30-2007, 09:05 AM   #12
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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Exclamation At a dead end!?!?


I found that we have this Object MFrame, which extends Canvas, which our applications are built on. Now When we build for a blackberry, we use MFrame_BlackBerry class, and this is where I have implemented the TrackwheelListener interface. Each of the trackwheellistener methods are implemented, and each of them has system.our.println() statements which are printing to the debugger, so that we can see what exactly is happening.

Now, I've checked, and ensured that the application uses the MFrame_BlackBerry (i've tested this with sys.out statements). Unfortunately, the application is not printing out when there is a trackwheel event. This leads me to think that either the listener is not registered (which I have attempted to register) or that it may not be capable of this functionality. Does anyone actually know if it is possible to get the trackwheel to fire events correctly when creating u're applications as MIDlet?



Last edited by Tigmeister; 10-30-2007 at 09:06 AM..
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