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Old 11-19-2007, 02:22 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by btaylor1 View Post
perhaps, but i have a 5+Mbps connection (even faster at work) and it never before took 2 to 3 minutes to go from one from page to the next at until a couple of days ago (at least for me). the site seems quicker today and perhaps the problem has been resolved

(interestingly, my bank's online banking went down hard for several hours wednesday afternoon. it's a large bank and i've never seen them experience a problem that lasted so long. and the firm i work at, which is also fairly large, had some sort of meltdown that went on much of yesterday. weird timing, though perhaps no relationship at all)

PS, thx for your thoughts, daphne
You're welcome. I have a 10 Mbps connection and sometimes the pages load really slow here even without the phishing filter on. I mean really slow, like I have to get up and get something to drink from the kitchen while the page loads. I've had it hang IE also. But that's not all the time either.
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