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Old 12-02-2007, 11:14 PM   #1
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Model: 8320
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Posts: 2
Unhappy BES reset: all emails gone, space/new acct issue?

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New to BB, got one from work in Oct, syncs with Outlook 2003, only use it for email and don't d/l programs except for 4 free games when I first got it and Google Maps. So this 3 mos later and all has been well except all of a sudden I check my messages and all have been deleted except for the registration email when they gave me my phone, here are the events as I remember them:

--Nov 26: no problems
--Nov 27: d/l load Google maps, works fine, try to d/l Gmail for BB and says there is no more room to do so, so of course its not d/l
--Nov 28, 29 no problems
--Nov 30: last I knew it was fine was around 3pm
--Nov 30: at 6pm ish I check emails and all are gone except those sent since 544pm and the one BB registration email in Oct, I try to email my peers and get "no service" "can't send" "radio not blah blah" at various attempts..... and the red x for emails I send, I drive around to see if its a signal issues but no luck, did not work the rest of the night, all emails are gone even in the custom folders I created on Outlook (my Outlook on my desktop is fine).
--Dec 1 resent rejected msgs and worked ok,
--Dec 2 I noticed msgs count from Nov 30 was at about 10-11 is now at 3 like they are being slowly deleted, one every 20 min, I deleted Google maps which reset the BB but of course that wont bring my emails back

I searched everywhere to see if there is some setting (unhide sent, unhide filed, etc.) and nothing, I noticed the Enterprise Activation date is Nov 30, over the weekend I was told the BES was reset on Nov 30. Seems obvious to me but they are saying that wouldn't delete all my emails in my inbox and custom folders. Someone mentioned a "delete prior' option but I have never seen it.

So I am trying to find if it is something I did of if a BES admin tell me if there is some setting that would empty a fairly new subscribers emails or was my mailbox too full or ???? Is there someone who has had this same experience? Apparently another user over the weekend said it happen to him but not on November 30th.

thx in advance
Blackberry Curve/AT&T/Outlook 2003
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