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Old 01-31-2008, 05:36 PM   #56
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People are free to pay what they wish for anything they wish for any reason they wish. That isn't under debate What strikes me as odd is that the BB community doesn't think twice about charging for and paying for themes. I would think that, with the exception of a truly labor intensive and unique theme, they would insist on it being free. It's worked out that way for the windows community. And don't say that theming a bb is harder than windows, I don't know anyone that would win that debate. And don't ask why are we comparing them.... which bb themes are the most popular, oh the ones that look like other os (iPhone, Vista, OSX, etc..).

If you want to say we pay or charge because we can... thats fine, thats your answer. I'll accept that. It's not the answer to the question I asked but then again no one has shown they understand the question in the first place.