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Old 02-09-2008, 07:37 PM   #8
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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Originally Posted by yparlor View Post
I have used both and originally I made the move from the Pearl to the Curve for the same reasons you have mentioned - larger screen and full QWERTY keyboard...

It is nice having the larger screen, not only for web browsing but also typing emails; it is nice to be able to see more text on the screen as you put something together. Getting used to the full keyboard was definitely an adjustment and I too found myself mashing away at the keys for the first few weeks I had it. The suretype is really nice, especially for text messaging. Also, the fact that the pearl is smaller makes it a usuable device with only one free hand - one hand won't get you too far on a Curve, its just too wide.

Having one of both would be nice because the size of the Pearl was perfect but the Curve is not a bulky phone by any means. I still carry it in my pocket everywhere and it doesn't bother me. It's about the same thickness, just a little wider. Overall, I would say that the screen quality is about the same as is the overall usefullness of each device. The Curve is just a little bit nicer of a phone all the way around. Hands down its the best device I've ever used and would recommend it for anyone who's using the phone for more than just social purposes.
Thanks! lol, it would be nice to have both devices. I usually carry a purse so I don't mind the fact that the Curve is a bit bigger, especially since it's still small enough to be comfortable to use as a phone (I use my Blackberry as my main cell phone as well, I don't carry two devices). One thing I know for sure is that now that I have a Blackberry I could never go back to a regular phone. ;)
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