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Old 03-31-2008, 09:05 AM   #7
Knows Where the Search Button Is
Join Date: Mar 2008
Model: 8320
Carrier: t-mobile
Posts: 22

midpssh has a few bugs that will probably be fixed soon now that its in active development. (thanks rivviepop!) until then, your better off paying for the rove mobile client.

midp insist on ssh2. ssh 1 has a glaring design flaw and anyone in the middle can degrade the protocol to 1 to exploit it. the ssh2-only lite build didnt install on my bb(8320), but might on yours.

it takes your password, *THEN* connects without giving you a chance to check and refuse the host key (but it does tell you the host key so at least you know if youve been had)

it doesnt cache the host key.

it doesnt let you set a nonstandard port

rove will let you import an ssh key, in midpssh you generate it, but then have to log in with a password to install it (or at least log in somewhere to cat it out to a file and move it to where you want it) you cant password protect it, but the blackberry has built in data encryption and device locking.

midpssh lets you have an 80 character across terminal which rove mobiles client cant because it wont let you set a small enough font and insists on showing a scroll bar on the side even when you disable it. roves client can scroll horizontally, but thats annoying.

roves client also doubles as a serial console over bluetooth.
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