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Old 05-21-2008, 08:06 PM   #5
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Default AT&T > Sprint > Verizon > TMobile

AT&T's current high speed network is about twice as fast as EVDO Rev A on either Sprint or Verizon, according to the tests we perform in my company. We primarily rely on Sprint & Verizon for our wireless cards but now that AT&T's high-speed network is built out (in time for the 3.5G iPhone in a few weeks), it is the superior choice.

Keep in mind that AT&T will soon ramp up the speed and we will be seeing 3-7MBit/sec downloads. I regularly get close to 2MBit/sec downloads with my AT&T HSDPA card, which is one revision behind the latest hardware, which theoretically could double my performance.

The reason you wouldn't notice a difference between the existing EVDO blackberries and their WiFi/Edge equivalents has to do with the dog-slow processor in them. This will change with the Bold, whose screaming fast chip will make things real exciting, really quick....
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