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Old 05-29-2008, 04:53 PM   #44
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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Originally Posted by DallasFlier View Post
Great advice I'd suggest you consider taking yourself. No one asked what you're interested in or not interested in, and he and everyone else here are entitled to post their opinions - whether you happen to like them and find them interesting or not.

Chill, or take Dawg's advice and go somewhere else where everyone will only post "what you're interested in" (assuming you could find such a place.)
Originally Posted by Dawg View Post
I for one don't care if you call us fanboys or not. My mother taught me sticks and stones when I was young.

But going on craze definition I am not a fanboy anymore because I like other things. Thanks Ill be sure to point that out to the people who continue to use that term so liberally.

And Test thats the second time you've said something about my temper. I don't have a short temper at all. That would entail me getting mad by what is written here and that is way far off the truth. I get upset at times but I have only been mad in one post here, and I deleted everything I said in it later that day after I calmed down. So please if you have something to say send me a PM and we can talk.
Talking about thin-skinned, off-topic rants.

I asked a simple question in my original post. I am interest in people's takes on the battery life of the device. More than 90% of the posts in the thread have no relevance to the original post. It's just my opinion but off-topic rants and cheap shots at other devices you may not like kind of defeat the purpose of posting on a forum to begin with.

Now, I know you may feel the urgent need to rebuff me and tell me to go @#$% myself, but maybe you can save that and instead give your opinion/thoughts regarding the original post.
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