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Old 06-08-2008, 08:45 PM   #21
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I wouldn't consider myself a diehard Apple fan, but when my Dell laptop - sad piece of machinery that it was - kicked the bucket back in January I was quick to pony up the money to buy a Macbook. I was ready to move onto a computer with a stable OS, and yes, I suppose some of the Macbook's bells and whistles drew me in, too. Since purchasing I haven't had a single issue, contrary to the zillions of problems that I had with my Dell laptop. (Granted, some of them were probably easily fixed, but I couldn't afford to send my computer away when I needed it for school pretty much year-round.) I haven't looked back or even longed for a PC and have no regrets about having the Mac... aside from no version of Desktop Manager for Macs

I do also enjoy Apple's products. I will admit that yes, they do look nice, but I buy them for the tech aspects and that they have the power to get done what I need to get done. I can remember using slower-than-molasses old school Macintoshes in my schools' computer labs and hating their guts, but Apple has really changed their game around. My family has always been extremely technology oriented (seriously, when I was 8 I used to disassemble computers with one of my uncles) and Apple appeals to me in that regard. Though I don't want the iPhone, I can appreciate what it stands for and the amount of work that was put into creating it, and I'm sure that most other people can as well. As Dawg said, there's people who are borderline rabid over most any piece of technology, so to each their own. I'm sure there will be a fair number of people in line waiting for the Bold when it's released for each carrier. The Bold probably just won't seem like as big of a deal because of how spread out it will be, as opposed to the iPhone with its sole carrier (AT&T) and sole provider (Apple).
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