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Old 05-12-2006, 06:51 PM   #2
CrackBerry Addict
Join Date: Apr 2006
Model: 7105t
Posts: 981

I am on a BIS but I can answer your question.

The carriers who have upgraded to 2.0 have basically shut down their sites where you can read your [email address] email on your PC.

All email must now be read on the BB (or PC from the address it was sent from, for example now and if you delete from the BB, you also delete it from the email account mailbox on your pc.

From my carrier's site, I set up a filter recently to block emails I didn't want and change my BB email address (personal issue here. You don't have to change your BB email address). If you don't want the emails to get lost, forward them to a PC based email address where they can be saved. If you are using either a MS Exchange, Novell or Lotus mailbox, save them to the email inbox there since I see you're on a BES.

As for the attachment problem, when composing an email from the BlackBerry, click "Add Attachment' and find the attachment on your BB.

Hope this helps.