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Old 05-26-2005, 08:01 AM   #27
Mark Rejhon
Retired BBF Moderator
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Some people like touchscreens, but there are also good reasons to avoid one on the BlackBerry:

From the "Why BlackBerry?" article:
More Idiot Proof: Using a touchscreen is lots of fun! But, some people argue that a touchscreen is a disadvantage when it comes to a mission critical pocket device. It takes more steps to correct mistakes caused by accident caused by a stylus tap, than caused by an accidental button press. It's very easy to execute sequences of memorized button keypresses to do specific things, and it's easy to correct an accidental wrong-button press. So that's why some of us believe touchscreens are a big hassle for a mobile device -- because of accidental taps messing things up, especially when you put it inside your pocket with the screen turned on. PalmOS: Usually, more problems occurs more quickly on a Palm handheld with random stylus taps ... than with random button presses on a BlackBerry.
Mark Rejhon
Author of XMPP extension XEP-0301: - specification - open source