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Old 07-25-2008, 09:11 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by tomtheguitarguy View Post
ok, disclaimers aside: I like my Blackberry. I really like the physical keys. I enjoy the "push email" (even though really, since I'm on BIS, it could really be described as "pull".

That aside, I know that some of us REALLY LOVE our Blackberry devices - count me as one of them!!!! And we appreciate the full keyboard, the physical keys, and the almost/truly instant email that we get from our BB devices. I mean, after a description like that, who wouldn't?

But to be truthful, I bought my wife an iPhone. Previously she had a NON-Internet phone, a SE Z520z, a RZR, and an LG Chocolate. Yep we were on other providers. But does that really matter, when we're discussing BB vs iPhone?

What I do know, is that the iPhone gave my wife an experience that she never experienced from other phones. Yes, it's true, she never had a BB, but that's my point - maybe some of people (a lot of the ppl), that the iPhone (original or 3G) is designed for had the same experience as my wife. So when they got it, it was truly a great experience - a browser that didn't JUST do WAP sites, but full HTML sites. So my wife (an "average" user), got a great experience, so that's why they like it.

By all means I'm not saying that the iPhone will ever replace the BB (but I'm not so totally blinded that it may not happen), but for the people that can see it's uses and advantages, whether they are equivalent to mine or yours, can you really blame them?

I mean, we BB users seem to think that we are the center of the universe (from my reading of the posts) and that everything should center around us. But, from my wife's iPhone experience (and hence my own), Apple has been able to provide a solid and reliable piece of hardware and software. And you can't be so arrogant that you don't think that there are some things that BB owner's would like, are you? Otherwise, why are are we *****in' about video recording, and other things?


Very well said Tom. I feel the same way about the whole Iphone experience and my BB.
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