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Old 01-11-2007, 03:44 PM   #11
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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Originally Posted by DallasFlier
Mark, you may end up being right - we're all just speculating at this point, but pretty much everything I've read says that its not a full-fledged OS X machine at all, but runs some kind of "Pocket OS X" operating system, which would make sense, since its a totally different CPU, with completely different I/O, etc etc. What makes you think its "full-fledged OS X" any more than Windows Mobile is "full-fledged Windows"??
The keynote address did say it would run MAC OSX and not some pocket version of it and presumbly the CPU in the iPhone is supposed be an intel chip. So if you can run a full version of Windows in these UMPC devices why not the iPhone.