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Old 01-12-2007, 06:49 PM   #281
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Originally Posted by lmlloyd
You aren't very skilled at reading comprehension either, are you?

Ok, let me diagram this out for you.

The assertion is that Apple was successful with the iPod, therefore Apple will be successful with the iPhone.
Wrong. No such assertion has been made.

The counter argument being that Apple having one successful line of products (iPod) does not automatically guarantee all Apple products are successful, as evidenced by the Quicktake, Pippen, Newton, AppleTV, and ROKR.

Thus, the logic of your assertion is shown to be invalid.
Thus, you're full of shite.

nothing worth quoting
God I hate talking about anything made by Apple for exactly this reason. All the weirdos who think debate is what you put on the end of defishing line come out to play!
To this point, all I can say is that it is your volumous litany of bottom-dwelling muckraking that is the causative basis for the response you receive. That's sorta how the science of language works. Apple is just the easy target for you. It could be a device from Company X and it wouldn't matter to me. That's liberating.

I understand clearly that words have meaning. Yours and mine. Only I can take ownership of mine. You keep sprinting from yours. Wonder why that is? HHhhmmm ...

Originally Posted by lmlloyd
At no point have I said, or even implied that the iPhone will be a huge failure.
Originally Posted by lmlloyd
Why, everything Apple does isn't magically gold, just because Apple did it. Their digital camera was a flop, their game console was a flop, the Newton was a flop, their new AppleTV is a joke, their first attempt at a phone was a flop.
Originally Posted by tfaz1
Why don't you explain the difference between "flop" and "failure" then?
Your hypocrisy knows no limits, does it? To you, Apple is both a Flop and a Flop. But, of course, in your language, they have differing meanings.