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Old 06-23-2005, 10:49 PM   #41
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I sure hope it is real and comes available soon. Given IBM's strong support for JAVA their processor and supporting JRM software it might provide a big step up in performance thereby supporting features such as independent speech recognition and higher screen resolutions plus a browser that supports frames.

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Old 07-05-2005, 06:38 PM   #42
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The Electron info/comments have been far and few lately. Any updates on this device?

Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around.
Old 07-14-2005, 06:49 AM   #43
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Talking Not everyone with few posts is full of it!

Just come across this thread and loved the way corey made some fabulously blatant value judgements about someone he knows nothing about or their background.

Trust me, there are ways to see RIM devices that are in the pipeline before anyone else without working for RIM or even one of the carriers.

I know you'll probably flame me as I've not had as many posts as you but I have been to the corporate offices, seen the production lines, spoken with the senior management and touched and played with new devices (and software) that most people will only be able to speculate about.

However, I do have an NDA in place and will not talk specifics all I will say is not everything you read and hear is untrue and not everyone who is new (or just doesn't post a lot) is full of it!

For info, if you doubt that I would have the pull get that that level of access (and yes, I sat in with mike lazaridis talking about what they were doing and what I'd like to see them doing), I set and manage the global mobility strategy for one of the largest retailers in the world (and I don't expect the american audience to know who we are because it's not walmart but if you live in europe or asia you'll know that every little helps) and have an estate of 700+ blackberries spread across exchange and domino so have some experience.

I would just say that sometime during Q3 and Q4 I'm going to make my directorship very happy with some new stuff that'll blow away anything they've seen and that should make the world look up and see blackberry in a new and better way.

Nuff said

Old 07-14-2005, 07:22 AM   #44
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Ya... and I am sure when you went to RIM's office's in Waterloo you saw the handheld OS too right? Because it's being developed in Mississauga. I know, I have seen it first hand. But what do I know right? You fly over the pond once in a blue moon, you have talked with Mike, big deal... I talk with several RIM employees on a daily basis. But you're right, obviously I don't know what I am talking about.

What did you forget to mention... ummm that fact that even though they build prototypes, they don't go into production until a carrier commits to a number of units. But let me guess, you deal with all the carriers too and you get the inside scoop from the manufacturers and the carriers... ok... you know everything.

Old 07-14-2005, 09:47 AM   #45
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Hey guys this is a rumors thread not a fact thread. There is no need to attack anyone's credebility. As we get more and more pieces a picture of what is fact will eventually emerge and who was BSing will become obvious. This thread should be fun sort of like being intelligence analysts where we gather disparate pieces of data and try to speculate on what it means.

Just my thoughts.

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Old 07-14-2005, 12:16 PM   #46
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Chill out corey. I think most of us appreciate the information you provide, but you're coming off as a drama queen who is unwilling to share the spotlight with anyone else. Other people can find out information too, you know. I see stuff from the mobile manufacturers that I'm not supposed to see, but the gadget guy in our company knows I think the new stuff is cool and will just happen to leave a test unit out on his desk when I drop by and will tell me a few tidbits when I ask about it. There's so many ways people could gain this information, whether or not they're supposed to, and just because you don't quite understand how they came about it doesn't mean you need to be a jerk and trash them. Most of the time people have been giving you the benefit of the doubt; I think it's time you did the same.
Old 07-14-2005, 12:57 PM   #47
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It's not about me having to chill out, or about me needing any spotlight. It's about the *fact* that I know there is not a complete OS for the electron yet. So with that said, how can people play with one? There are circles for icons with some text underneath them, it runs in debug mode with a million and one pop up messages with register values.

Tell me this, if you were to see something like this with your own eyes, and then have someone tell you they have been playing with one, what would you say?

It's not about understanding how people get this information, it's about truths and facts. How is anyone supposed to play with the electron when it has no production ready OS?


Last edited by corey@12mile; 07-14-2005 at 12:58 PM.. Reason: fergot 'are'
Old 07-14-2005, 04:30 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by corey@12mile
Tell me this, if you were to see something like this with your own eyes, and then have someone tell you they have been playing with one, what would you say?.
Reading this from the sidelines, I would say you described the one you saw and he described the one he saw. Since there is no way for either of you to provide proof then we really have to just leave it at that.

BarJohn made a really good point that I think got over looked, were talking about rumors not facts.
Old 07-14-2005, 07:49 PM   #49
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Sure it is a rumors forum, but the information that is posted needs to be creditable if at all possible. I visit this one because I believe that some of those posting have some real information. If I had the inside information I too would be very upset if someone was speaking out of their ass.

Because Apple is so secretive I follow those rumor sites that generally have the most creditable information (Think Secret, Appleinsider, Lately Mac Rumors seems to be posting recycled stories from both TS and AI). And do not waste my time with those that have no clue ie Mac OS Rumors (Not to be confused with MacRumors).

Last edited by bperkins; 07-15-2005 at 10:56 AM.. Reason: Spelling
Old 07-14-2005, 10:03 PM   #50
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so could this have possibly anything to do with the "e" in the new model that may come this fall, the "7130e"? i heard of this model as part of the lineup for this fall for CDMA.. and kinda wondered what the "e" stood for, thought maybe it's just the late 7100 series for CDMA... but perhaps it stands for "electron"? (please, no lectures on how ridiculous it may sound for CDMA to have a step up on GSM models such as this.. i'm just going by what i've heard that's somewhat solid to come out for CDMA this year)
Old 07-14-2005, 11:57 PM   #51
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For a manufacturer to develop a new piece of hardare that requires a completely new OS is highly unlikely though not impossible. Hence, I would suspect that any new Blackberry will use a varient of the 4.0 OS. It may have additional features and capabilities not present in the current OS release but generally is likely to use the curent OS release as the base or foundation from which to advance. Therefore, someone picking up a new unit and not being familiar with the newer functionality could try various functions with which he or she is familiar and conclude that the device works whereas someone that knows about the newer features and tries to excersize the new features that are undoubtdely buggy concludes that it is buggy and doesn't work. It's the classic case of two blind men descibing an elephant with one at each end. Neither is wrong and neither is right.

Yes, reputable and accurate rumors are always best but even those can be wrong as companies can chage their mind even after official announcements. Look at the Motorola MPX300 for a perfect example. Rumors should be taken for waht they are until you can walk in and buy one.

For more information see barJohn Reviews It
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Old 07-15-2005, 05:51 AM   #52
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Bravo John.

Once again Corey, I never did, or even meant to imply that you didn't know anything. What I was pointing out is that there are other people who do get to see stuff and touch it and play with it who just may not post as often as you.

Time to calm down and wait for later in the year while people are still able to add what they find out?

BTW, does anyone want to buy an MPX300. 1 previous careful owner but it does have a test OS...
Old 07-15-2005, 07:05 AM   #53
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Brand new CPU, brand new OS testing. *Everything* as far as code is concerned is different.

Either way... We are lining up an insiders RIM tour that I have invited Guess to join. What we see... who knows, but it'll be a little more technical than the common RIM tour, which is fairly interesting on its own.

Once that is done I will let Guess post all the goodies, maybe you people will think of him as credible. Maybe we can ever snap some pictures... who knows. I think our tour might even include the 2 new building in the RIM complex...

Old 07-15-2005, 09:10 AM   #54
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I look forward to seeing and hearing about what you all get to peek at. If they have a new OS, I hope it is based on Linux so that we have some hope that it will be reasonably stable when released. It generally takes quite a few iterations of an OS to get the bugs out. Look at 4.0 and the bugs still present in it. MS PPC software in now in its third or fourth iteration and is finally getting reasonably stable. I wonder what this will mean for third party developers that have taken the risk to develop applications for the current OS and now must port to a new OS. With a market of only 3 million users this is a substantial risk factor. In any case i look forward to the new rumors!

For more information see barJohn Reviews It
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Old 07-15-2005, 10:57 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by barjohn
I look forward to seeing and hearing about what you all get to peek at. If they have a new OS, I hope it is based on Linux so that we have some hope that it will be reasonably stable when released. It generally takes quite a few iterations of an OS to get the bugs out. Look at 4.0 and the bugs still present in it. MS PPC software in now in its third or fourth iteration and is finally getting reasonably stable. I wonder what this will mean for third party developers that have taken the risk to develop applications for the current OS and now must port to a new OS. With a market of only 3 million users this is a substantial risk factor. In any case i look forward to the new rumors!
Linux as it stands is just the kernel, which is what RIM has to write for the new CPU in the electron. The OS for the electron will for the most part be simular looking to the current OS. I don't find the existing OS's from RIM to be buggy at all, there are a few bugs in the apps, but that's it. I have never had mine crash because of a RIM app, only 3rd party apps.

We will definately report back once we have done the tour, that's for sure.

Old 07-15-2005, 11:10 AM   #56
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Corey.....I really hope you two can get some further information about this Electron.

pdizzo I for one would love to see this since I am a CDMA user. Unfortunately, I have heard that the 7130 is supposed to the the 7100 CDMA model.
Old 07-15-2005, 12:02 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by barjohn
With a market of only 3 million users this is a substantial risk factor. In any case i look forward to the new rumors!
Interesting point, I too am interested if RIM sticks to pleasing the GOV/Corp market or will they turn their focus any at Joe consumer... All is a risk at this point.
Old 07-15-2005, 12:23 PM   #58
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I certainly wouldn't mind becoming a beta tester for one of these EDGE BlackBerry units.

I've beta tested devices for other companies (mainly home theater industry), and stuck to an NDA keeping silent about it until release.
Mark Rejhon
Author of XMPP extension XEP-0301: - specification - open source
Old 07-15-2005, 07:40 PM   #59
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I didn't mean to imply that the RIM OS was buggy to the point of instability, i.e. crashing. That doesn't mean that it is bug free either. Just follow the threads on the 7100 on this forum for many examples. I just know from many years of experience it takes a long time and many users to find all of the bugs in a system. Vendors generally fail to use bleeding edgers like many of us to test their products preferring the safety of corporate customers and select beta testers that may or may not ring out the product adequately.

For more information see barJohn Reviews It
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Old 07-17-2005, 11:45 AM   #60
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hey corey, get me in on the tour. i'll fly up from america for it.
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