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Old 01-24-2009, 08:51 PM   #1
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Default Had the iPhone for 2 weeks and happy to have my curve back!

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I went for it, as soon as my company upgraded their exchange server to support the iPhone. It took me 2 weeks, and today I returned the iPhone and reactivated my trusty curve! WHY???

1. Main reason - I have 5 email accounts, and the iPhone doesn't have a central message area where all emails, sms, IM's, etc can quickly be seen. You have to level up and down into each email account to see emails. This starts out as a neat process, sliding up and down through the levels, but quickly turns painful.

2. emails don't show up as quickly, including yahoo, gmail, and exchange server; however, I was willing to overlook it. I will say that having to configure SMTP servers on independent email domains is pain.

3. Voice dialing! I program the left button on my phone to activate voice dialing on the BB. The guy at the apple store was swiping my card when I realized there is no button on the iPhone to initiate voice dialing. You have to download an application... well that requires me to LOOK at the iphone in the car, which sort of defeats the purpose of voice dialing!

4. Copy / Paste - I know you can "jailbreak" the phone and there are some half a$$ hacks out there to accomplish this, but come on apple, I didn't realize how much I used it till I didn't have it.

5. phone number harvesting! whereas I can mouse a phone number which is recognized in an email on a BB, copy, add it to the address book, etc. the iPhone has no such functionality, none that I saw.

6. Didnt' find a better RSS feeder than what I had with Viigo on the BB. sure it's a bit more graphical, but not streamlined and quickly easy to read.

7. Definitely not as sturdy, you have to make an effort to really take care of this mini computer, you don't want to scratch that thing, needs rubber case, and a screen protector!

8. iPhone exchange doesn't allow you to invite people to meetings in calendars, or accept invites. LAME

Here's what I'll miss....

1. PANDORA - the biggest reason I can see for getting an iPhone. I really enjoyed plugging that phone into my stereo and just letting it play!

2. Google maps is gorgeous!

Basically, it's a great multimedia device, and so long as your life doesn't depend on texting and email, this may be the phone for you. But if you are a hardcore business user, my best of luck to you, I couldn't do it! I'd rather have my BB and my Apple laptop for the rest!

Apple was cool took back the unit with no restocking fee, but I had to go to the ATT store to get a new SIM card, as the expired one will not reactivate. I will also have to argue with ATT to roll back my contract, so it has original expiration & upgrade eligibility date.
Old 01-24-2009, 09:47 PM   #2
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I don't know squat about the iPhone as I've never held one in my hand. The Blog Boy Genius Report released two entries recently: top 10 things I hate about bb and top 10 things I hate about the iphone. I could not believe the things an iphone can NOT do without "jailbreaking" it. Like the above things you mentioned, you can't even multitask on the friggin thing! Battery-pull = impossible. No copy and paste, now have fun creating address book entries from an email or sms (can't say mms because iphone doesn't support it! Ha!) Its almost like the iphone is actually an ipod with a microphone slot that u can speak into. Hardly sounds like a "smartphone" to me! Yet, no copy/paste (natively) and no mms kinda makes me scratch my head as I always thought it was just a cool teenagers phone. Aren't teens the ones who txt/send pics the most? Shit, I'll bet I used cut/paste 10 times today to straighten out my thoughts in texts or emails. Oh well..
BTw, the list about BB's was mostly nitpicking things like; long boot times, takes a long time to install new OS, etc...
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Old 01-24-2009, 09:50 PM   #3
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Wirelessly posted

Oops, sorry about the vulgarity. Posting from my bb and for some reason when I'm hitting edit its not pulling up my post. I've been having network issues for 3+ hrs now. Darn Verizon.
Great IRC channel:

join #blackberry on EFNet today!
Old 01-25-2009, 04:09 AM   #4
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Wirelessly posted

Battery life on 3g is also a joke and again there are several settings to tune down the performance for increased battery; however, they have to be done manually. U will need to jailbreak the phone to use the "sb" settings utility that scripts it for you.
Old 01-26-2009, 08:54 AM   #5
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I've had the Curve for a while now but I bought the iPhone for my personal use. I got my IT guys to set up my iPhone to get Exchange mail and have been using it for the last two weeks. I'm going back to using my BB for mail. The iPhone does a lot of things well, but it isn't a replacement for my BB.
Here are some advantages BB has:
- shortcuts
- multi-mail delete
- out of office set up
- delete on BB but not on computer to save BB memory
- sent and received on same screen
- sender search/general term search
I love my iPhone, don't get me wrong, but just not in place of my BB.
Old 01-26-2009, 09:44 AM   #6
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It's pretty sad that Apple still can't think up of an implementation of copy and paste. Even Windows Mobile has it! Here's an idea:
  1. Put a finger at where you wish to begin or end your selection.
  2. Place another finger to the left or right of the position of your first finger.
  3. Move the second finger to create your desired selection.
  4. A menu will pop up allowing you to cut, copy, or paste.
  5. To paste, tap-and-hold where you want to paste. A menu pops up, and you can select paste from that menu.
Old 01-26-2009, 02:23 PM   #7
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I went from a Pearl to an iPhone last February. The iPhone had its advantages and disadvantages, but after two months, I went running back to the Pearl. The thing I missed the most was the physical keyboard. I have a Curve now, and had considered giving the iPhone another try when my upgrade rolls around in June, but I just don't think I can do it again. I love my berry too much and it's always been reliable.
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Old 01-27-2009, 11:19 AM   #8
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Why have only one? I have an iPhone privately and I like it that it keeps my emails separate and I have a BB for work which connects to my BES. Best of both worlds, instant email and calendars on the BB and fun games, easy interface and movies and music on my iPhone.
Old 01-27-2009, 12:47 PM   #9
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[QUOTE=circadianswing;1259202]I went for it, as soon as my company upgraded their exchange server to support the iPhone. It took me 2 weeks, and today I returned the iPhone and reactivated my trusty curve! WHY???

2. emails don't show up as quickly, including yahoo, gmail, and exchange server; however, I was willing to overlook it. I will say that having to configure SMTP servers on independent email domains is pain.

8. iPhone exchange doesn't allow you to invite people to meetings in calendars, or accept invites. LAME

I dont agree with point 8, i have been using my iPhone with activesync at work and I am able to setup meetings and accept them no problem. I have complete integration. Unlike the BB I dont have to pay a user licence for BES.

Emails are coming through no problem and I often find that emails are being pushed where activesync is possible before they arrive in my inbox.

I am also able to use IMAP4 with subfolders to look at folders, which the BIS service/IMAP implementation doesnt support.

Pros and cons too both.
Old 01-27-2009, 01:45 PM   #10
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I rocked the iPhone for 4 months... I had a Palm Treo 680 prior.
iPhone was pretty great in many respects, but typing on it was agonizing... I just traded it for a BB Bold yesterday. So, here I am...
Old 01-27-2009, 08:58 PM   #11
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Well, I lasted 1 day with the Iphone and now it'll be going back to the store tomorrow. I only wish I had seen these posts BEFORE I bought it. No matter anyways because I have a thirty day trial.
Old 01-28-2009, 01:37 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by RedSoxFan View Post
Well, I lasted 1 day with the Iphone and now it'll be going back to the store tomorrow. I only wish I had seen these posts BEFORE I bought it. No matter anyways because I have a thirty day trial.
Beware those 30 day trials!
I don't know about other carriers, but it is 30 days, 0.5 megabytes, or 30 minutes of talk... WHICHEVER COMES FIRST!
Most people will use more than half a megabyte in the first 20 minutes of iPhone ownership.

Sneaky sneaky small print. Hopefully your return has gone smoothly.
Old 01-28-2009, 02:16 PM   #13
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I am a Blackberry admin and I have to say that the iPhone has a permanent place in my pocket. My Blackberry sits in my bag and I never use other than for helping users troubleshoot.

I think it was said best - The iPhone is a mini computer and not just a phone hence battery life is not as good. You learn to manage it and I have never ran out of battery while out and about. People also need to give the keyboard a chance. I can type very fast on it but mind you I am very used to it. It all comes down to exposure really.

Message management is much more elegant on the Blackberry and with the short cut key sorting of messages you can quickly find what you need.

Battery life is a no brainer however it all comes down to cpu cycles I think. Again the Blackberry is a phone while the iPhone is a computer.

Browser - there's no contest - iPhone

I think there are way more problems with 3G in the US than there are here in Canada. 3G speeds and call reliability is great. I have heard from inside contacts that the 3G network was very well implemented here in Canada. I also think that there is less traffic than in the US just based on population density.

I have had both iterations of the iPhone and have to say that people who put screen protectors on their iPhones are wasting their money. My iPhone 2G looks just as good as my newer 3G

Blackerry devices definitely rule for business. There can be no debate Active Sync on the iPhone is a battery killer. As far as a personal device tho, the iphone rules all. Music player, movie player, camera (poor res tho), Video (jailbroken of course), voicedialling and voice google search(jailbroken), Skype over 3G (jailbroken), remote control - hell mine even has a guitar tuner, metronome, and chord charts..... oh ya it has a phone too... ;)
Old 01-28-2009, 03:03 PM   #14
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what about IM?
Domino 7.0.3/BES 4.1.6 on w2k3 sp2
Old 01-28-2009, 03:07 PM   #15
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Fring has IM capability. Parlingo is a good one as well. The other downside about the iPhone and IM is that background processes aren't permitted. Another BB win. This can be overcome with hacks from Cydia. Another reason to jailbreak!! That said it's never been an issue for me as I usually find myself IM'ing when I am sitting on the couch or in a coffee shop. Otherwise I just use SMS.
Old 01-29-2009, 12:43 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by steveoevets View Post
People also need to give the keyboard a chance. I can type very fast on it but mind you I am very used to it. It all comes down to exposure really.

Totally disagree with your statement about giving the keyboard a chance and implying that one will get used to it. My phone is the 8330, and my personal media device is the iPod Touch. Now, for an onscreen keyboard the iPod Touch is pretty decent. However, it will never be as good as the BlackBerry physical keyboard, no matter how long I use it. And yes, when sitting at home with the WiFi active, I have used my iPod a lot to surf and even email. Since I've moved to the BlackBerry Curve though, I find myself never using the iPod for email, just surfing. For me, and for many others, nothing beats a good, hardware keyboard, especially an onscreen only implementation.
Old 01-29-2009, 07:12 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by headshok2002 View Post
I rocked the iPhone for 4 months... I had a Palm Treo 680 prior.
iPhone was pretty great in many respects, but typing on it was agonizing... I just traded it for a BB Bold yesterday. So, here I am...
Sweet....there is no other phone for me since i got my BB
Old 01-30-2009, 09:00 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by JackG058 View Post
Totally disagree with your statement about giving the keyboard a chance and implying that one will get used to it. My phone is the 8330, and my personal media device is the iPod Touch. Now, for an onscreen keyboard the iPod Touch is pretty decent. However, it will never be as good as the BlackBerry physical keyboard, no matter how long I use it. And yes, when sitting at home with the WiFi active, I have used my iPod a lot to surf and even email. Since I've moved to the BlackBerry Curve though, I find myself never using the iPod for email, just surfing. For me, and for many others, nothing beats a good, hardware keyboard, especially an onscreen only implementation.
Seconded! I carry a Curve and an Touch with me wherever I go. I just can't get used to the Touch's keyboard...and I've been using it daily (Facebook, Twitter) for over a year. I keep coming back to the physical keyboard on my Curve...I can type so much more and with greater ease. I also can't stand the lack of a combined inbox...that gets me every time!

I really want to like the Storm, but in trying it at the Verizon store a couple times- I seem to have the same issue as the Touch. Oh well...maybe I'll just get the Javelin and be done.
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Old 01-30-2009, 10:10 PM   #19
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Yeah I have an iTouch too. I love it. It's a super cool toy but I'd go bezerk if I really had to rely on it to the level that I utilize my BBY. The keyboard is ....ugh.

Check out "The Onion" video on the new Apple laptop that has no keyboard but just a big jog wheel. it's HILARIOUS!!!

Go to The Onion and search for "Macbook Wheel" I almost peed in my pants when I watched the video...

I think it's kinda funny that for my friends who use a PDA as part of their job, the ones who use an iPhone typically make less than $50K a year, the ones that use a BBY typically make much more than $50K a year. You do the math. I honestly could care less about the PDA, my job is to do my job and make money. I just want something that supports that with the least amount of fuffing around with a piece of electronics.

But I have found that it is a very odd (and very American) thing to debate the Mac/PC thing 'till the cows come home. It all seems so bourgeois and it all boils down to aesthetics (which very few of us get paid to care about). Considering my first four function calculator was the size of a briefcase and cost $2500 and when I wanted to listen to music I used to drag a rock across a piece of spinning plastic, I am grateful how far all of this has come in such a short time.
Old 02-01-2009, 04:45 AM   #20
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Cheers, I'm a new user of 8310 and since the day I had bought it nothing to say but Satisfactorily
Sincerely Yours

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