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Old 06-07-2008, 12:52 PM   #161
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1. I'm happier with the web interface than a desktop client. I use two notebooks and a desktop so keeping things on the web is easier to coordinate when I'm in the field. I am kind of surprised that the local database isn't backed up with a DM backup. Not a big deal but I wouldn't have expected that. Maybe it exposes some "trade secret" about their software to those who can crack the desktop backups?

2. I use the email "export" all the time for both IMX/TMX it works well. It would be cool though to generate a pdf from the BB and email that. One feature I've asked for is a daily email via text or pdf showing all my tasks due for the day with options to add past due and next day. I think it is easier to get a daily email than go to the TMX view. Generally I have about 20 emails waiting for me in the morning and I get distracted as easily as a five year old. By the time I remember to look at my tasks it is 10am.

3. I think this will be solved by the end of the year if not sooner. From what they've said OL integration is a very high priority for them. That would also solve, to a great extent, the desktop client, printing, local database and a lot of other issues users have.

Regards-Michael G.
Old 06-07-2008, 01:18 PM   #162
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Originally Posted by mgerbasio View Post
1. I'm happier with the web interface than a desktop client. I use two notebooks and a desktop so keeping things on the web is easier to coordinate when I'm in the field. I am kind of surprised that the local database isn't backed up with a DM backup. Not a big deal but I wouldn't have expected that.
No backup up locally to your desktop/laptop is a HUGE deal. If you're out of Internet range you're SOOL, e.g. on a vacation - no backups can be done of anything you work on! Additionally, I hate having to rely some external company, especially not named Microsoft or Google, for my most sensitive data. With regard to the Web-based application, respectfully you're not necessarily the norm and the web should be an option and is not a replacement for the desktop. With most apps you can sync to two machines, e.g. desktop and laptop. Furthermore - why should I have to pay annual fees that are a part of a web service? Here's one more - if you forget your phone somewhere it doesn't matter that you have your laptop. You must be in Internet range AND must pay them for web service. Just not ideal and not the way most people work - it's the typical Blackberry "we want to be an ASP and collect regular revenues" model that is getting smoked by other platforms not named Blackberry.

2. I use the email "export" all the time for both IMX/TMX it works well.
Good to know and thanks. Perhaps this might be a potential alternative "backup" plan.

3. I think this will be solved by the end of the year if not sooner. From what they've said OL integration is a very high priority for them. That would also solve, to a great extent, the desktop client, printing, local database and a lot of other issues users have.
You hit the nail on the head. Not being able to simply print your list - and again rely upon paying an annual fee - is a huge problem. It doesn't sit well with me.

I may end up splurging because, as much as PocketDay lists does work, I don't see a huge advantage of having it in my open field. It's not a benefit. I still put my pressing To-Dos in outlook. It's a shame that the RexWireless people supposedly aren't playing ball with the PocketDay people but unless they have a better solution, it's of no benefit to separate the two.
Old 06-08-2008, 07:14 AM   #163
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The trade-off, like with all platforms, figures into a decision to pull the trigger or not. Blackberry is a pretty solid platform and I have yet to do a restore except when changing a device or upgrading the software; I've been using IMX and TMX over a year.

Forgetting my phone, no service, etc, really doesn't fit into my decision. Data security, yea, I'm not crazy about leaving it on a server not knowing what RW can and can't see or how secure it is. On the other hand, if they published my TMX data, it wouldn't make a difference to me; there isn't any compromising data for me or my clients there.

I agree RexWireless should play nice with CrossRiverSystems, I was pressing CRS to contact them and was disappointed to hear RW wouldn't integrate with the "Inject Into...". The only thing to move it along is adding to comments on the RW forums, or, sending in a suggestion.

On last thing, the annual fee. I'd rather not pay an annual fee either. However, to host this on a web site does have a cost involved and I like the internet feature. You also get free upgrades while paying the fee. For my use, I have both IMX and TMX, so it works out to $12/yr each which is very reasonable for the hosting and upgrades. I think the upgrade fee would probably be $25-40 for each program anyway with an upgrade every 12-18 months so in the big picture, this is a bargain.

Regards-Michael G.
Old 06-08-2008, 03:27 PM   #164
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I just want to add to what Mike said above, alot of the cost of the products is for support as well. I think that if less people used the RW products, they would be less. But with anything, there is a cost. As Mike has said, if you can make use of the products and you like the stability of th Blackberry (with limitation obviously), then you'll have to pull the trigger. For me, using Windows Mobile devices to start out, the frequent Active"Stink" issues and soft reboots were enough to get me to switch. Being honest, I have been with the berry for about 4 years now, and have only had to soft reset once - due to software conflict. Plus I get excellent battery life as well. Thus, I have switched over and use 3rd party software for the berry, TMX/IMX/AMX.

Also, as for being out of range, if you have WiFi, you can sync up/down as well. Having the data local is big, but as Mike said, if you dont store a lot of secure info in the programs, then cool. Eventually I think Rex will move into some type of offline storage, but remember that that could effect the software as it works today.

Good luck in your decision(s) hinky!
-- --
Old 06-08-2008, 03:48 PM   #165
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Thanks guys, I really appreciate the comments. I'm going to see if I can get some answers from support. The application doesn't work like I'd prefer but it's far better than anything else out there. Pocket Lists is just not cutting it.

Not allowing a user to have a backup of their own data is a MAJOR cardinal sin by the Rex Wireless guys and I'm hoping they can resolve this quickly. As squeff pointed out, there is absolutely no good reason (short of commerce and reliance on Rex) to not have the Blackberry backup the internal database for Todo Matrix and Idea Matrix. I hope it's not just about the money. With regard to export, you should always export my folders as a backup regularly just to make sure that you've always got data at all times.

Regarding the desktop client, it's another unfortunately miscalculation but hopefully this too will be addressed shortly. It's inane not to be able to travel and look at your own ToDo list offline. The web idea is a good one but I really don't think that TDM and IMX are true collaboration tools and should have been desktop client first, web client as a bonus. It's not tremendous since you get 6 months of the web client at no cost but it's certainly not beneficial. Fortunately the cost for the web client isn't prohibitive but it's certainly not the way I'd want to go.

Thank you all for your great insights.
Old 06-08-2008, 04:10 PM   #166
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I just found the following. Unfortunately it looks like the RexWireless guys made a deliberate call to NOT backup your database locally during sync and, instead, force you to rely upon them and their services: • View topic - Do REXwireless applications get backed up to my local PC?

Additionally, I'm beyond confused when they talk about exporting data. I can only hope that the ability to export your databases does not require you to pay them a $24 annual fee - just to get a copy of your own data. • View topic - Must a person use REXdesktop or is it optional?
Old 06-08-2008, 06:44 PM   #167
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I don't think you need rexdesktop to use the email features (either email into via IMX or TMX subject line, or, out) of Matrix software. Probably best to send them an email. You may even get a response today. If that were the case, you can always just cut and paste into the mail program. I read the link and not sure if export is a future feature or just something I don't use.

Aside note, I wouldn't buy software based upon future features, you won't be happy and will then be posting messages venting your frustration (if you're like me anyway). If RW meets your needs now, go for it. If not, and the Outlook integration should (guessing here) solve your problems, hold off. I was expecting to see that months ago then we got AlertMatrix out of no where. Not sure who outside of RW knows when that's coming and I haven't seen them giving us anything more than "its a high priority".

I couldn't care less about OL integration so it isn't a big deal for me, but if I needed or strongly wanted it I'd be biting my nails everytime I opened the application. From your posts, it seems this is a critical feature for you. If PocketList isn't cutting it, you're not going to like paying more money for another compromise, then pay for a year of a web client if it still isn't available. There are a lot of programs to choose from, I just think RW is the best for my needs.

Really third party BB software is just getting off the ground and the API (my understanding) with the BB is limited but growing. There was nothing decent available when I had to give up my MDA (WinMobile) and get a 7290. 2008-2009 is going to be a very cool year for mobile users.

Hope I didn't turn you off to a terrific developer and software that I use daily. Without IMX, I'd still be carrying a PocketPC as I was doing before IMX was released.

Regards-Michael G.
Old 06-09-2008, 08:38 AM   #168
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I had a good exchange with RW about their business model and pricing.

Here's what I got from that exchange:

(1) $60 is worth it to many people. Apparently, they have all sort of testimonials from people who, due to productivity gains, were able to recoup that $60 in only a couple of weeks. In other words, who cares what the product costs (and, more importantly, what the competitors charge), as long as you can reap productivity benefits within a relatively short period of time... and therefore pay-back the cost (ROI).

(2) The reason Rex changes so much, however, is that that pour the money into support. They claim to provide superior support (and I'm not disagreeing) that cannot be matched by their competitors that charge $20 or $30 for a comparable product. They argue that companies that charge so little and try to offer high quality service go out of business quickly. And those companies that stay in business have poor customer service and support. In other words, you pay the $60 to get great service and to know that the company will still be around in a few years. I'd also add that if their products are higher quality (i.e., fewer bugs) than the competitors, it's worth the extra money. So far, TDM is the least buggy product I have on my BB. I've yet to run into a problem (although I might). Contrast that with PocketDay (which is a good product), which has MINOR bugs that I run into all of the time. I suspect this is because CRS is charging 1/3 what RW charges and therefore simply can't hire a professional QA person to do the same level of testing that RW can. (This isn't a slam on PD, by the way.)

(3) Consistent with this, they are careful to give away something that'll increase their support costs. Giving away software for free costs nothing. However, having to support users does. A few weeks back, I suggested that RW could say 3-4 times the number of copies if they cut their price to $30. The reason they don't is that they don't want 3-4 times the number of customers! They'd rather have only a handful of customers, paying a premium price (and being able to provide all them top level support) than to have tons of customers, paying a cut-rate price, and not be able to provide good service. Or, more to the point, to continue to give good service and not be able to do so, simply because of the cut-rate pricing. Think of it this way (and these are my made up numbers, used only for illustration):

Out of the $60, $20 goes to paying R&D costs, $10 goes to advertising and the link, and $20 goes to other expenses (like rent and electricity). It costs $10/user to provide a year's worth of support. If they cut their price to $50, that means that they have to cut something: R&D (which means fewer new features) and support go first.

(4) In terms of new features, there's only so much development time and money (given the amount of revenue they have). Just because people want a feature doesn't mean that it'll be there today or even a year from now. They add features as they can and they add features they feel would increase their revenues and profits (which, in general, are those features that they hear the most demand for). I suspect that shy away from features which make their support more complex. Which, I'm guessing, is why they may shy away from allowing their DB to be backed up. It's easier for them to help you restore if they hold your data and the restore routines are built into THEIR product (as opposed to Desktop Manager). Likewise, I'm sure they are very nervous about the Outlook (or whatever) integration. Once that comes out, I suspect support requests will increase greatly.

Anyway, I just wanted to share what I'd picked up from them.
Old 06-09-2008, 12:40 PM   #169
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No doubt it's a far better application than PocketDay. To be perfectly frank, Pocket Lists was a mistake and an application that is half done, half thought out and with a number of bugs. I've seen worse but it's amazing that there are very few developers for the BB that really provide a great, comprehensive product. The Rex stuff is missing some polish (can't change fonts and appearance, just doesn't look right) and feels a lot like a "programmer's" application. That said, it's still way more functional.

I'll probably get it but I MUST get local PC/USB based backups too. The missing desktop application is horrible. I wish I could just open my desktop and launch Outlook and the desktop tool to get all my appointments and ToDos.
Old 06-09-2008, 12:45 PM   #170
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Originally Posted by hinky View Post
No doubt it's a far better application than PocketDay. To be perfectly frank, Pocket Lists was a mistake and an application that is half done, half thought out and with a number of bugs. I've seen worse but it's amazing that there are very few developers for the BB that really provide a great, comprehensive product. The Rex stuff is missing some polish (can't change fonts and appearance, just doesn't look right) and feels a lot like a "programmer's" application. That said, it's still way more functional.

I'll probably get it but I MUST get local PC/USB based backups too. The missing desktop application is horrible. I wish I could just open my desktop and launch Outlook and the desktop tool to get all my appointments and ToDos.
You can't change fonts? Profile/Preferences and then "Font Choice." Sure, it's limited in that you can pick only Tony, Small, Medium, Large, and Ex Large. But you can also pick "default" which gives you your system font. Which can be anything.
Old 06-09-2008, 02:29 PM   #171
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Originally Posted by hinky View Post
The Rex stuff is missing some polish (can't change fonts and appearance, just doesn't look right) and feels a lot like a "programmer's" application. That said, it's still way more functional.

I'll probably get it but I MUST get local PC/USB based backups too. The missing desktop application is horrible. I wish I could just open my desktop and launch Outlook and the desktop tool to get all my appointments and ToDos.
Fonts are changed on the Main Menu / Profile Preferences. Most people prefer User Default, which adopts the same setting you are using for e-mail and so forth.

On the topic of local backups, we plan to offer this capability but it is far more difficult than you might imagine to do this well, if we are to assure that a person will never lose their data.

When we first went wireless on the backup, we did it for four primary reasons:
1) It works equally well for pc people, mac people, and linux people
2) It is far more reliable - people forget to usb backup and then drop the BlackBerry in a margarita
3) It is more secure - BlackBerry smartphones and PC's get stolen out of rental cars all the time but no one walks off with a Class A datacenter
4) Better quality and user experience (because our support personnel could help when needed and we would have visibility to issues).

#4 is a big one from a technical perspective. The heart of the quality issue is database compatibility from version to version of the application. Our database changes from time to time to accommodate enhanced functionality. Today, we do not support backward compatibility (for example, trying to load newer version data into an older version of the application). We take great care in preprocessing data on our servers in an effort to prevent data damage when the application of the BlackBerry asks for a reload. Coding for forward and backward compatibility would take hundreds and hundreds of hours for the 1/4 of 1% of the time that it would be used.

To offer PC/USB backup, we have to write a lot of code to quadruple check what the user is asking the program to do, because the possibility exists for a user to inadvertently try to restore incompatible data from a backup. Some people say "what's the big deal, if the user messes up, it is their fault" but we don't see it that way. We feel strongly that we should do everything we can to ensure a quality experience, free of data loss.

This is the same problem that causes us heartache over backups to the SD card. Those cards can be swapped around, which once again requires a great level of sophistication in the application to ensure compatibility, or to inform the user as to the error found in their attempt and how to recover from it.

On the current server-sided backup, our support personnel can step in and double-check what is happening, helping ensure that the desired result is achieved.

Now, having said all this, we still recognize the need and fully plan to deliver a trouble-free PC/USB backup (and perhaps SD backup too). The question is always when, what should come first, and how function-rich will the implementation be.

In reference to your Outlook comments, our Outlook sync version is in testing and it may accommodate most of your needs when it is introduced. Everybody has been asking us to release it quickly, but we will release it as soon as we think the experience will be a very good one. It is important to note that Outlook is missing a considerable amount of functionality that ToDoMatrix offers. Also, the sync conduit itself is via the BlackBerry tasks applet, which has its own limits. It is entirely possible that some features that you may want will be impacted by the "lowest common denominator" principle of this three way equation.

Lastly, we do allow e-mail out of tasks from the BlackBerry in comma-delimited format without requiring subscription to REXdesktop. This allows you to move your data to Excel or other application without issues. Our software is designed to run without the optional REXdesktop service. Our goal was to price REXdesktop cheap enough that it was great value add for the price (right now its less than 50 cents a week). It is not our intention to force anyone into a continuing fee to REXwireless if they don't value the services we offer. Most people use REXdesktop for reviews and printing - just on that basis, 30 minutes a week of one's time is far more valuable than 50 cents - the darn parking meter downtown costs more.


--the REXguys--
New BlackBerry Application: AlertMatrix 2008 by REXwireless Software
Old 06-09-2008, 07:34 PM   #172
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Guys... with all due respect you've built a truly great application and IMHO the best one all around for the Blackberry. But it sounds like you've spent a great deal of time thinking about this but it is better applied to a corporate workgroup setting with deeper pockets, e.g. tons of service built in, web based clients with collaboration possibilities, etc. TDM and IDX are usually made for one person and should have at least the same basic features (needs) as others of its ilk, e.g. expense tracker, secure database for your sensitive numbers and IDs, etc. What you've done below has made a very simple thing like a mere backup and restore of data from the same application an extremely complicated, extended thought process which I'm not even sure makes sense to me. The additional stuff is amazing but let's not neglect the basics and I'm glad that's on the map. I'm hoping you'll take this as one constructive opinion and not an attack on a product that I will buy.

Originally Posted by rexguys View Post
When we first went wireless on the backup, we did it for four primary reasons:
1) It works equally well for pc people, mac people, and linux people
2) It is far more reliable - people forget to usb backup and then drop the BlackBerry in a margarita
3) It is more secure - BlackBerry smartphones and PC's get stolen out of rental cars all the time but no one walks off with a Class A datacenter
4) Better quality and user experience (because our support personnel could help when needed and we would have visibility to issues).

#4 is a big one from a technical perspective. The heart of the quality issue is database compatibility from version to version of the application.... To offer PC/USB backup, we have to write a lot of code to quadruple check what the user is asking the program to do, because the possibility exists for a user to inadvertently try to restore incompatible data from a backup. Some people say "what's the big deal, if the user messes up, it is their fault" but we don't see it that way. We feel strongly that we should do everything we can to ensure a quality experience, free of data loss.
I beg to differ with the above. Other applications simply allow the database to be backed up during the Blackberry sync. It's that simple and it seems to work for most every other Blackberry application. Now wireless sync adds security, especially between syncing with the desktop. But you're also forgetting the fact that you're the only application leaving the user without a copy of his own data! With regard to restore, once again I must not take vacations heaven forbid I'm out of range with the Internet because while I can backup my data to my desktop, my Rex stuff is all vulnerable during the entire trip!

This is the same problem that causes us heartache over backups to the SD card. Those cards can be swapped around, which once again requires a great level of sophistication in the application to ensure compatibility, or to inform the user as to the error found in their attempt and how to recover from it. On the current server-sided backup, our support personnel can step in and double-check what is happening, helping ensure that the desired result is achieved.
What sophistication is going on here? If there is a file that is backed up then why can't that file simply be restored without all this handholding? Now I can appreciate what you're saying above and earlier about restoring old databases - but most people will want to restore data from the same version, e.g. the one that they had that they last backed up yesterday, 2 days ago or last week - not last year. As such, version 4 should restore version 4 databases. If you wanted to charge support for customers that wanted to restore a version 3 database to a version 4 app - hey, I think we all understand that. If a restore is attempted with an incompatible database, provide an error message regarding the above and you're done. I've done these restores numerous times on the Palm and they are wonderful.

In reference to your Outlook comments, our Outlook sync version is in testing and it may accommodate most of your needs when it is introduced. Everybody has been asking us to release it quickly, but we will release it as soon as we think the experience will be a very good one. It is important to note that Outlook is missing a considerable amount of functionality that ToDoMatrix offers. Also, the sync conduit itself is via the BlackBerry tasks applet, which has its own limits. It is entirely possible that some features that you may want will be impacted by the "lowest common denominator" principle of this three way equation.
Understood. I think most of us need some desktop client so that our working on our PCs - which occurs much of the day - we'll have the ability to get the same alerts and data input without having to be at an Internet connection. Many times during the day I'm in the city and not connected. I prefer to use my laptop during lunch/dinner and there isn't Wifi. Requiring Internet access at all times is not optimal.

[Our goal was to price REXdesktop cheap enough that it was great value add for the price (right now its less than 50 cents a week). It is not our intention to force anyone into a continuing fee to REXwireless if they don't value the services we offer. Most people use REXdesktop for reviews and printing - just on that basis, 30 minutes a week of one's time is far more valuable than 50 cents - the darn parking meter downtown costs more.
Don't get me wrong - after first being a little turned off by the pricing I think many agree after using it that you usually buy crapola for $30 on a blackberry unfortunately, with few exceptions such as Jivetalk. But if every one of my application developers, e.g. Ascendo Money, Splash ID, etc. did wireless sync like you do and charged me for the service of using the desktop application, I'd be paying $26 times fifteen! I'd also be unable to just work from my desktop. The web client is great - I may very well pay for it. But there is a need for a basic desktop client and I'd sooner pay for that to make sure I could work offline.

As I said, the application is great. I REALLY appreciate having the wireless sync for the Blackberry device - for sure. After spending a lot of time looking at it I realize how much better it is than I thought and appreciate it being there. But I do hope you can see the merit in the above comments and give them some consideration. You should not forsake the basic backup that occurs with most every application and at least permit that database to be backed up as a fail safe. Thanks and for your response here.

Last edited by hinky; 06-09-2008 at 07:46 PM..
Old 06-11-2008, 01:35 PM   #173
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This morning, I got a popup in TDM that said that the version that'll sync with Outlook (and other programs) is coming soon. They say to send an e-mail to support to get a one-time message letting you know when it's out.

I know that Rex doesn't like to create excitement too early, lest they be bombarded with "where is it?" and "but you said it'd be out..." messages. So, I'm guessing that this means they are close to finishing QA. Whether this means it'll be out this week or they still think it'll be a month or two, I can't say.

But, at least, they are officially stating it's coming...
Old 06-11-2008, 01:40 PM   #174
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Originally Posted by squeff View Post

This morning, I got a popup in TDM that said that the version that'll sync with Outlook (and other programs) is coming soon. They say to send an e-mail to support to get a one-time message letting you know when it's out.

I know that Rex doesn't like to create excitement too early, lest they be bombarded with "where is it?" and "but you said it'd be out..." messages. So, I'm guessing that this means they are close to finishing QA. Whether this means it'll be out this week or they still think it'll be a month or two, I can't say.

But, at least, they are officially stating it's coming...

Unfortunately, in this case, we announced too early (guess you didn't see that one before but its been there a bit too long) but it is getting close.

--the REXguys--
Old 06-11-2008, 01:43 PM   #175
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Originally Posted by rexguys View Post
Unfortunately, in this case, we announced too early (guess you didn't see that one before but its been there a bit too long) but it is getting close.

--the REXguys--
Can you clarify what this means?

Are you saying that the popup I received today was premature?
Old 06-11-2008, 01:50 PM   #176
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It means that pop-up has been around for way more weeks than you realize - its quite valid now, but we started saying it was coming too early this time - it has been taking us a lot longer than expected.

--the REXguys--
Old 06-11-2008, 02:22 PM   #177
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Originally Posted by rexguys View Post
It means that pop-up has been around for way more weeks than you realize - its quite valid now, but we started saying it was coming too early this time - it has been taking us a lot longer than expected.

--the REXguys--
Hi Rexguys;
In preparation for the eventual release, can you post some early "best practices" for those of us that are heavy users of both TMX and Outlook Tasks? As I am using both in parallel for some very critical projects, I want to ensure that I am positioned to utilize this when the sync is implimented.

I assume the feature/function set is now frozen so this shouldn't be too much of a stretch .

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Old 06-11-2008, 09:23 PM   #178
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Originally Posted by bostonnerd View Post
Hi Rexguys;
In preparation for the eventual release, can you post some early "best practices" for those of us that are heavy users of both TMX and Outlook Tasks? As I am using both in parallel for some very critical projects, I want to ensure that I am positioned to utilize this when the sync is implimented.

I assume the feature/function set is now frozen so this shouldn't be too much of a stretch .

Interesting request, and I'd like to see them take a shot at it -- but my suspicion is that they are probably so frustrated with trying to shoe-horn TMX into the Outlook db that their best practices could be summed up as: Dump Outlook.

On the other hand, this gives them a whole new market.
Old 06-12-2008, 12:18 AM   #179
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Originally Posted by djm2 View Post
Interesting request, and I'd like to see them take a shot at it -- but my suspicion is that they are probably so frustrated with trying to shoe-horn TMX into the Outlook db that their best practices could be summed up as: Dump Outlook. On the other hand, this gives them a whole new market.
I think Outlook integration would be foolish as the Outlook tasks managment is mediocre. When I meant "integrated" I meant more of a plug-in nature. Something on the desktop that when you lauch your organizer apps, e.g. Outlook, somethign would also be launched for your ToDos. That would work just fine...
Old 06-12-2008, 06:27 AM   #180
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Carrier: AT&T
Posts: 416

Originally Posted by djm2 View Post
Interesting request, and I'd like to see them take a shot at it -- but my suspicion is that they are probably so frustrated with trying to shoe-horn TMX into the Outlook db that their best practices could be summed up as: Dump Outlook.

On the other hand, this gives them a whole new market. will be interesting to see which Task fields get sync'd between the two. I use Outlook tasks to assign work to various Engineers which they in turn update (Start/End dates, comments, % complete mostly) prior to the status meeting. Makes it very easy to track status and is much easier then setting up an MS Project server. If Rex can maintain those fields I'd be ecstatic.
z10 on AT&T (plus an HTC One X)
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