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Old 05-31-2007, 12:30 AM   #1
Thumbs Must Hurt
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Default So far, not happy...

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This afternoon I took my beloved BB 8703e into the store to exchange it for a new one because one of my keys didn't work right. There I was, content to just get a new one because I really loved the phone when what does my little eye spy? The brand new 8830 of course! I immediately consult a manager and request my exchange be for that phone and I will pay the difference. After some prodding, he agreed (technically, when doing an exchange for a defect of any sort, you can only do it for the same model phone), and I walked out with my shiny new BB 8830.

Happy was I until a few hours later... Now I am kicking myself for not sticking with the 8703. Just exchanging it back isn't going to be all that easy either. Verizon has a 1 exchange per 30 day period rule, and since I had the rules bent in the first place to allow me to get this phone, I am super skeptical about them actually being agreeable about letting me revert back to the 8703.

My gripes with the 8830, since I am sure you may be curious:

1. The teeny, tiny amount of available memory. 2 minutes after phone activation I had a "massive" 20mb out of 48mb free. This was with an empty calender, task list, phone book, memo pad, and no apps installed other than what comes on the phone. To make matters worse, the available memory is consistently dropping. When I plugged the phone in about 2 hours ago, it was at 18mb free, now it's at 14...

2. The keypad sucks. The numbers/letters are just too close together, they are too slick, and they don't have enough "feedback."

3. The phone itself is too slick. When holding it one handed and searching through the phone apps and such, it constantly feels like it is going to slip out of my hand.

4. It has hung on me more times in a few hours than my 8703 did in the few weeks I had it.

5. Everyone I have talked to on it so far says there is an awful echo from my side.

The only real improvements in my opinion are:

1. Ability to separate SMS messages and e-mail messages.

2. The trackball is definitely nicer for overall navigation than the scroll wheel.

3. Multimedia functions.

Ok, I think that's it for my rant. I will definitely be calling Verizon customer support in the morning to get their ok on the exchange before I go into the store, but I still dread the trip. It is really upsetting though. I never would have thought the overall experience would be a step back rather than forward...
Old 05-31-2007, 02:59 AM   #2
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Wirelessly posted (8703e Sprint: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0) BlackBerry8703e/4.1.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/104)


Thanks for the heads up and honest review. I am going to think twice before upgrading. I like my 8703e, but want the media player (OS upgrade perhaps).

Old 05-31-2007, 03:00 AM   #3
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I used to have an 8700 (and loved it), and now have an 8800 and have grown to love it. Give it some time. In response to your gripes:
  1. There's plenty of memory. I have about 30 3rd party apps installed (most of what's listed in my signature's link), and retain my email for 30 days, and have no problem. Do yourself a favor and get a 2Gb Micro SD card for pictures, ringtones, videos, and music.

  2. I can't argue about the keypad issue. I liked the 8700 better too, but I've adjusted.

  3. Agree again, but it will break in, and you'll adjust. I only drop it 3 or 4 times a day now! JUST KIDDING.

  4. Can't say my 8800 has hung for no reason. The only time it has was due to misbehaving apps I installed. Then again it is a slightly different device.

  5. No echo problem on my 8800. Sorry!
The reason I now love the 8800 is because I got a 2Gb Micro SD card and a (very cheap) pair of Stereo Headsets with a Mike. I didn't think having MP3's would be a big deal, but I find myself listening to (my favorite) music whenever I have even just a few minutes of peace - like a short bus ride, and wouldn't carry yet another device just to listen to music.

Hope this helps you feel a bit better about your predicament!

Old 05-31-2007, 08:52 AM   #4
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No problems with the 8800 but I think CrazEtoon was talking about 8830 having these issues.
Old 05-31-2007, 09:08 AM   #5
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I do have a memory card for media purposes, but still find myself slightly worried about the low number in the available memory.How much memory does your 8800 say you have left considering you have around 30 3rd party apps installed? I really want to give it more time to try and adjust, but I don't want to find myself still hating it when it's too late to return it either.

Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad Blackberry, it's just not the Blackberry I thought it would be.

Old 05-31-2007, 09:17 AM   #6
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so im up for an upgrade and now with you saying that about 8830.
just to sum it up.....
what do you prefer in all honesty and give some reasons why... the 8703 or 8830?
Old 05-31-2007, 09:29 AM   #7
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i have about 15 3rd party apps and a 1200count contact list, and i have 30mb free and i kepp email for about 2 weeks. but again its an 8800c not the 8830.

I agree with you that it is slick to hold but you get used to it and I have had no problems with echo or hang ups.
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Old 05-31-2007, 09:36 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by chrisxxx View Post
so im up for an upgrade and now with you saying that about 8830.
just to sum it up.....
what do you prefer in all honesty and give some reasons why... the 8703 or 8830?
I honestly prefer the 8703. The upgrades to the 8830 just don't outweigh the negatives, in my opinion of course.


1. The 8703 is just more comfortable to have in your had. It's shape lends itself to better one handed use, and while the trackball is definitely better for most navigational purposes, the scroll wheel lends is definitely in a better place for one handed use.

2. The 8703's keyboard is much easier to use, and I was able to type much faster and more accurately using it. I'm sure I could adjust over time, I just don't think I want to.

3. With several apps loaded, my 8703's available memory never went below 34mb free. On the 8703, it said you have 64mb of flash memory, about 58mb free to the user. That was true for me. The 8830 claims you have 64mb of flash memory and 32mb of RAM. For some reason, your total memory will sit just under 48mb, and from the word go, it will only say you have about 20mb available. That number will constantly decrease too, even if you don't load any apps, keep your caches clear, and don't leave a lot of programs running.

Maybe they just changed which memory you can see in the "status" screen, but the numbers just don't sit well with me at all.

4. Like I said in my first post, the 8830 is extremely slick. I have dropped it 3 times already (luckily on the couch once and carpet twice). This was due to it's slickness and it's shape.

5. For me, the 8703 gave me better call quality. This may vary by user, but like I said earlier, everyone I have talked to since my purchase has mentioned I sound echo-ish. This is happening in multiple environments too, so I know it isn't my surroundings causing it.

There are some positives to the 8830 however, just not enough in my opinion.

1. The trackball, while not as optimal for one handed operation, is definitely more navigation friendly since you don't have to hold the ALT key to move vertically. You can also avoid scrolling through every available link when browsing the web.

2. The OS is cool. The "today screen" theme is nice, as is the ability to hide and move icons on the home screen. (I could never find a way to do this on my 8703).

3. It gives you the ability to keep your SMS messages and e-mail messages in separate folders.

4. Lastly, pressing the trackball always acts as pressing enter, instead of defaulting to opening the menu because there is a separate menu button. There are occasions where it will open the menu, but an abbreviated version that only contains the most relevant options to the context in which you are pushing it.

5. The media player is nice, but not the best. You still can't receive MMS messages (at least not with Verizon), so getting pictures on your phone still requires going to "pixplace" and saving it from there, or transferring from your PC.

All in all, I like the 8703 better. It's form factor makes for easier functionality, and the few positives the 8830 does have, just don't outweigh it's negatives. Be warned however, this is all one person's opinion. You could get the phone and absolutely love it, it just isn't what I thought it would be.

Old 05-31-2007, 09:46 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by chillspace View Post
No problems with the 8800 but I think CrazEtoon was talking about 8830 having these issues.
The devices are identical except that the 8800 is GSM and the 8830 is CDMA.

This might account for issue #4, but #5 is more likely the provider than the device. I have no echo problems with Cingular/AT&T. In fact, given Verizon's tendency to muck around with services, even #4 might be attributable to them!

Old 05-31-2007, 12:47 PM   #10
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Well, I called Verizon customer support, pleaded my case, and got corporate approval to exchange back to the 8703. It's done, and I am definitely happier.

No offense at all to 8800/8830 lovers, the phone and I just didn't "click." (I say this because I know some people can be very defensive about their Berry)

Old 05-31-2007, 03:00 PM   #11
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good information tom. it was a big help.
now i think im off to get the 8703. but one thing. can you play mp3 clips on 8703 or no.
Old 05-31-2007, 03:12 PM   #12
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Not curious about your *****ing, but here is some help for you:

1. dump the lanuguages and help files that you dont need. might be a bug with that OS, might try reloading the HH SW

2. your fingers are too fat, not the devices fault

3. quit eating greasy food and trying to use your BB, not the BB's fault you cant take time out of your day to sit and eat without working at the same time

4. once again could be simply fixed by reloading the HH SW. shit happens, not all mobile devices work well out of the box.

5. not the phones fault. its your shitty cell provider and/ or an issue with a tower in your area you are on

Feedback for you:

1. been that way for a long while.. nothing new there.

2. yes the trackball is a cool new feature and makes navigating fun and convenient.

3. its nice to watch a video while you eat your greasy food, i agree.

I think a lot of these issues you are talking about are personal user issues, not device issues. its ok you can still customer support and they will listen to you ***** and let you feel better about your purchase. thats what they are there is a giant hug for you..... Feel better i hear the Helio will is a good device...try that

Last edited by yunone; 05-31-2007 at 03:15 PM..
Old 05-31-2007, 03:39 PM   #13
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CrazEtoon........thanks for the review. I almost bought the 8830 today but stopped at the last minute. The 8703 feels much more solid and the wheel is much easier to use one handed. I thought having the memory card would be nice but that's the only feature the 8830 has that I would use. I was still undecided until I read your post. The 8830 is out and the 8703 will be in.
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Old 05-31-2007, 04:20 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by yunone View Post
Not curious about your *****ing, but here is some help for you:

1. dump the lanuguages and help files that you dont need. might be a bug with that OS, might try reloading the HH SW

2. your fingers are too fat, not the devices fault

3. quit eating greasy food and trying to use your BB, not the BB's fault you cant take time out of your day to sit and eat without working at the same time

4. once again could be simply fixed by reloading the HH SW. shit happens, not all mobile devices work well out of the box.

5. not the phones fault. its your shitty cell provider and/ or an issue with a tower in your area you are on

Feedback for you:

1. been that way for a long while.. nothing new there.

2. yes the trackball is a cool new feature and makes navigating fun and convenient.

3. its nice to watch a video while you eat your greasy food, i agree.

I think a lot of these issues you are talking about are personal user issues, not device issues. its ok you can still customer support and they will listen to you ***** and let you feel better about your purchase. thats what they are there is a giant hug for you..... Feel better i hear the Helio will is a good device...try that
1. I did dump the languages, and I wiped the handheld. Twice. The most I saw was 20mb of free memory. This is a device problem, not mine. Search the internet for people pissed about the lack of memory with the Blackberry 8830 and you will see I am not alone in my feelings about it.

2. I'm 5'10 and about 170lbs, my fingers are hardly fat. It is a device problem, it's one that started at the design. It is a complaint about the device from almost everyone that uses it. Some say they adjusted, I did not want to adjust because I felt it was unnecessary. If the keyboard was so "good," RIM wouldn't have gone back to the 8700 series keyboard on the 8300.

3. Yeah, that was it. I was stuffing my face with McDonalds nonstop all day, and rubbing the french fries all over my fingers, so I just couldn't grip the phone. The thing is slick, it's a fact. When I brought it back to the store today, the guys that worked there even commented on how slippery it is. Also, I do sales and spend a lot of time outside, in 90 degree weather, you tend to sweat, and that just made matters worse. Your right though, it has nothing to do with the material of the phone.

4. Read my previous statement. I wiped the handheld, twice, did a hard reset battery pull, and restarted the device multiple times.

5. Maybe, but I doubt it. Nobody ever told me I had an echo when I talked on the 8703, or any of my older phones. This is the first and only time I have been told that. Guess what that leads me to believe? That's right, that it's the phone's fault.


1. Excuse the hell out of me, but on the 8703, I can't find the option to do so. As a matter of fact, when I did a search for it, I found a bunch of people talking about how they couldn't do such a thing, and wished the could. I am aware that certain themes make the ability work, but I haven't been able to find them.

2. Umm, ok...

3. You have a severe fascination with greasy food...

I am so terribly sorry that I pointed out flaws in your beloved Blackberry 8800 series. They are in fact flaws from my perspective, and I clearly wrote that the things I was talking about were MY opinion.

You sir are nothing more than a jack-ass and I really don't even understand where the personal attack is coming from.

Thanks though, your input has been helpful.

Old 06-06-2007, 05:51 PM   #15
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Just a note.

My hands (and I guess the rest of me) are larger than average, none of the full qwerty keyboards from bb are able to handle my big thumbs. So I grow my thumb nails long enough to type with, but small enough to seem that I just keep them well groomed, works out great. Now there is no PDA that I can not type on

Just my 2 cents- carry on
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Old 06-06-2007, 07:25 PM   #16
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If you wish to hide some of your icons or move them on your 8703------press the alt button and scroll button at the same time. Select move or hide applications.
Old 06-06-2007, 09:43 PM   #17
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Ok well my2cents.
I have fat fingers and have absolutely no problems with the keys. It takes time to get used to them but I know am much faster than on previous device.

I have no issues with memory, as stated its never gone below 25-30mg and not at all concerned.

I dont see how you have problems using it with one hand? It sits fine in my hand and i use my thumb to work the trackball.

The echo and reception issues are likely tower issues as not very many people complaining of a widespread echo on all 8830s.

Honestly I do not mean to be rude but it seems like you:
1. Did not take the time to get used to the new things about the device.
2. Did not test another 8830 to check to see if the call qulaity was better.
3. Just wanted to go right back to your 8703, and theres nothing wrong with that.

With that said, you will eventually go to a newer device so you just might begin preparing right now so that you will be mentally ready to actually take some time and get used to something different.
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Last edited by test54; 06-06-2007 at 09:45 PM..
Old 06-06-2007, 09:59 PM   #18
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The CPU speed is actually different. This info comes from RIM: the 8800 has an XScale 312MHz and the 8830 has an XScale running at 225 MHz. My guess is 1) to compensate for EVDO's greater power drain compared to EDGE and 2) reduce costs since the dual CDMA/GSM module adds cost to the 8830.

Originally Posted by JerryD View Post
The devices are identical except that the 8800 is GSM and the 8830 is CDMA.

This might account for issue #4, but #5 is more likely the provider than the device. I have no echo problems with Cingular/AT&T. In fact, given Verizon's tendency to muck around with services, even #4 might be attributable to them!
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Old 06-07-2007, 02:14 AM   #19
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just thought i'd ring in with my 2 cents. i've owned several BBs, my girlfriend owns one, and my partners at work all carry one of the many contemporary BBs out in the current marketplace.

i can honestly say that the 8830 has become my favorite blackberry to date. the new curve is awesome as well, and i'll admit that my big thumbs probably work a little faster on one, but that does not mean i have any trouble with the keyboard on my 8830. and where it might be a teeny insy-winsy bit less functional in form, i find solace in the fact that it stands out more and is...quite honestly, less treo-like in design. that's just my opinion.

i also love the weight and solidity of my phone. i find it rock solid. it may be a bit slippery (something a silicone sleeve fixes immediately btw), but it's a fair trade-off if you ask me for the sturdy structure and clean aesthetics.

i'm sorry to hear that you have experienced call problems, but i've had the exact opposite reactions from my contacts. as recent as my last conversation on my 8830, where my girlfriend asked me what i was still doing in the office because she mistook me for being on my office landline (which has always been much clearer than any of my BBs). also, more than a few ppl have not noticed that i was using my bluetooth hands-free car kit recently, and were honestly surprised to learn i was on my new BB.

i'm sure not everybody is going to like the 8830. but for any of you on the fence about upgrading, i just want to tell you that there are those of us relishing every moment with our kickass 8830s!

Old 06-07-2007, 07:21 AM   #20
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Not sure why you all have so many issues typing on the 8830 keyboard. I have normal size fingers and can fly through typing emails/SMS messages with no problems. Maybe you need to practice more with typing on the device. Use the Memo Pad feature and type out a few paragraphs for practice.

Also the echo?? What are you all talking about. This phone is as clear as a bell on Sunday morning. I thought the Razr was clear but this it so much more crisp. I have yet to have someone ask me what I said or have yet to drop a call. (Boston area)

As for slipping out of your hand thats not an issue for me at all. Why would it slip out out someones hand unless you have very greasy clumsy hands.

And I don't know what you are all doing to the 8830 to make the memory drain. I have tons of saved emails, google maps, tetris and some other 3rd party apps on mine and have no issues with memory draining. As soon as I exit the app, the memory returns.

Also why is everyone taking their battery out constantly? Whats the point of that? I have had this phone for 3 weeks now and I haven't even turned it off yet. It never freezes, locks up, and it always responsive. This is blackberry, not windows Mobile which locks up constantly. Taking the battery out is not a necessary step and personally if you need to do that a lot, then you have a defective 8830.

Anyhow, I agree with a previous reply that most of these issues are user issues and not device issues. Give the device sometime and get used to it.

The only negative with this phone is the GPS is disabled, but I would expect that from Verizon.
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